PFP by Bloomy
Animated backgrounds by Mjusi Mjus

Commissions are open

My terms of use are a must to respect
If you don't do so, you will end up onto my blacklist

  • Always credit me as Vivplum, wherever you use my artwork, credit me as Vivplum, and, if possible, link my carrd !

  • I own the right to use any of my artworks for self promotion (ex : put it on my carrd)

  • Don't rush me, behind my screens, I have a life and things to do !

  • My artworks can't be resold (exception on custom designs which can be resold) nor distributed or stolen

  • Respect I and my work !

  • You may not resell a custom design I made for you to a price that is higher than the price you paid for it (exemple : you bought a custom design from me for 50$; you can't sell it for more than 50$)

  • You need to know that you can't copy or trace my work

  • Payments will only be by Paypal and Ko-Fi (I will give you my PayPal/KoFi link when you should send da MONEY)

  • I reserve the right to refuse a commission or cancel one for any reason which I can explain you or not

  • I only draw cats, for now (im still practicing on anthros)

  • I won't draw NSFW, even if it's just slight, nor hate speech but I DO can draw gore

  • The payment will have to be made before I start the ilustration !

Hi everyone ! Im Ethan, a young artist passioned by art and animation but also writing, roleplaying, character designing and mostly drawing for others and myself ! Feel free to contact me through any of my platforms which are the icons below, just tap on them and that'll bring you there !
The camera-like icon is for Instagram, the pens for ArtFight, the game controller thingy is for the Discord server (still WIP but im advancing on it)
My Discord username : @vivplum

Feral commissions
Left : oldest > Right : newest

Unicolor sketch

Headshot : 10€
Fullbody : 18€

Clean sketch

Headshot : 15€
Fullbody : 35€


Headshot : 30€
Fullbody : 60€

Custom design







65€No exemple for now, sorry !


Eye close-up : 50€
Entire headshot : 70€
No exemple for now, sorry !

Supplementary character : original price X number of characters
Priority commission (! Not available for fullscenes !) : +25€ AVAILABLE
Complex design : +5€

SB :
MI :
AB :

  • These will be made with the site "Family Echo"

  • I won't put any images, only the names !

  • Ill send you the family tree by email so you can then modify it yourself !

  • 10 characters = 2€

  • 11-20 characters = 5€

  • 21-25 characters = 10€

  • 26-35 = 15€

  • 36/+ characters = 20€/+